Heidi Merkel
Professional Massage Therapy

Services & Rates


60 minutes: $100
90 minutes: $130

Ashiatsu; deepfeet therapy is known as the world’s deepest massage. Applying bodyweight I am able to provide a deeper more luxurious massage with a broader pressure as I glide over the body. Deeper Pressure, less pain.

Deep Tissue/Sports

60 minutes: $90
90 minutes: $115

Specializing in deep tissue, I work the entire body to bring balance and restoration through increasing range of motion and structural integration. My style is very fluid as I melt into the muscles and release tension throughout the body.


60 minutes: $90
90 minutes: $115

Cupping is an ancient technique originally used to suction poisons or venoms out of the body. In massage it is used to decompress the tissue creating space and myofascial release. I often integrate cups into my other services as well.

Pre/Post Natal

60 minutes: $90
90 minutes: $115

For mommies to be or those that have recently given birth. The body goes through some serious changes during this time and massage can be very helpful whether its easing aches and pains or just relaxing the body as it goes through its transitions.

YoMassage Class

75 minutes: $45

A fusion of relaxing and supportive positions enhanced through touch and mindfulness. A small group of up to 5 students hold gentle, supported stretches for 5-8 minutes while massage is applied to various muscle groups allowing for a head to toe massage.